Stacey is a founding member of The Empathetic Museum, an industry think tank that advocates for diversity of thought and authentic integration of empathy in museum practice. Our Maturity Model Rubric and Professional Development Workshops provide the means for institutional transformation towards a more empathetic future.
A founding director of strategy for UNSILENCE, Stacey coordinates closely with founder and creative director, Danny M. Cohen on content development, learning experience design, and strategic planning for this human rights education non-profit based in Chicago, IL.
As a member of the Museums and Race Steering Committee, Stacey collaborates with colleagues to create and hold space within the industry to not only discuss issues of race within the museum but also to enact change across our institutions to address systemic issues of inclusion and representation.
As Thesis Advisor for the Museum Exhibition Planning + Design Masters Program and Senior Lecturer at University of the Arts, Stacey works with Exhibition and Education graduate students on the design, prototyping, and testing of exhibits (digital, interactive, analog) for a range of projects exploring accessibility, personalization, creative collaboration, and other innovative concepts conceived by these talented students. Every year is an exciting new adventure.
Publications & Presentations (select)
Jones-Rizzi, J., Mann, S. (2020). Is That Hung White? A conversation on the state of museum exhibitions and race. Museum Magazine. March/April 2020, Volume 99, No. 2. American Alliance of Museums.
Jennings, G., Cullen, J., Bryant, J., Bryant-Greenwell, K., Mann, S., Hove, C., Zepeda, N. (2019). The Empathetic Museum: A New Institutional Identity. Curator. doi:10.1111/cura.12335
Mann, S., Jones-Rizzi, J., Keener, J., Katayama, E., Isa, N. (2019). Is That Hung White? Getting Real about Diversity in Exhibitions. American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 21, 2019.
Ramey, R.J., Mann, S., Ekong, E., Keller, A. (2019). Complicating the Narrative & Repairing Relationships: Stories from the Front. National Council on Public History Annual Meeting, Hartford, CT, March 29, 2019.
Bryant, J., Mann, S. (2018). The Empathetic Museum: Beyond Playing Nice. Western Museums Association Annual Meeting, Tacoma, WA, October 21, 2018.
Eaton-Martinez, O., Ekong, E., Mann, S. (2018). To Be More Inclusive: Training and Resources for Professionals in the Arts and Humanities Field. American Association for State and Local History Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, September 26, 2018.
Mann, S., Rosenfield, S., Wiggins, A. (2018). Confronting Our Whiteness: Our First Steps Towards Systemic Change. NAEA Museum Education. Medium. July 12, 2018.
Bryant, J., Mann, S., Eaton-Martinez, O. & Garcia, B. (2018). Museums and Race Report Card: Looking Back to Move Forward. American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, May 9, 2018.
Mann, S. & Cohen, D. M. (2017). Crying at the Museum: A Call for Responsible Emotional Design. Exhibition: The Journal of the National Association of Museum Exhibitions, 36 (1), 90-99.
Jennings, G., Mann, S., Cullen, J., Bryant, J., Kirchman, M. (2016). Institutional Self-Reflection in Museum Practice. Museums and Race Symposium, American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May 27, 2016.
Jennings, G., Mann, S., Bryant, J., Tisdale, R. (2015). Empathy in Mission & Practice: Why Should We Care? American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 29, 2015.
Mann, S., Moses, J., Fisher, M. (2013). Catching Our Breath: Assessing Digital Technologies for Meaningful Visitor Engagement. Exhibitionist: The Journal of the National Association of Museum Exhibitions, 32 (2), 15-19.
Norris, L., Cohen, D., & Mann, S. (2012). When Histories Horrify: Supporting Visitors’ Responses through Responsible Interpretation. Journal of the American Association of State and Local History.
Mann, S, Kuetemeyer, D., (2012). Panel Chair. Fostering Creative Collaboration within your Organization: A Hands-On Approach. American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 1, 2012.
Mann, S. & Cohen, D. M. (2011). When a Boxcar Isn’t a Boxcar: Designing for Human Rights Learning. Exhibitionist: The Journal of the National Association of Museum Exhibitions, 30 (2), 26-31.
Mann, S. (2011). Panel Chair. Walk the Walk: Using Learning Theory in the Exhibit Design Process. American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Houston, May 24, 2011.
Editorial Board: Exhibition Journal (2015-2019)
Jennings, G., Cullen, J., Bryant, J., Bryant-Greenwell, K., Mann, S., Hove, C., Zepeda, N. (2019). The Empathetic Museum: A New Institutional Identity. Curator. doi:10.1111/cura.12335
Mann, S., Jones-Rizzi, J., Keener, J., Katayama, E., Isa, N. (2019). Is That Hung White? Getting Real about Diversity in Exhibitions. American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 21, 2019.
Ramey, R.J., Mann, S., Ekong, E., Keller, A. (2019). Complicating the Narrative & Repairing Relationships: Stories from the Front. National Council on Public History Annual Meeting, Hartford, CT, March 29, 2019.
Bryant, J., Mann, S. (2018). The Empathetic Museum: Beyond Playing Nice. Western Museums Association Annual Meeting, Tacoma, WA, October 21, 2018.
Eaton-Martinez, O., Ekong, E., Mann, S. (2018). To Be More Inclusive: Training and Resources for Professionals in the Arts and Humanities Field. American Association for State and Local History Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, September 26, 2018.
Mann, S., Rosenfield, S., Wiggins, A. (2018). Confronting Our Whiteness: Our First Steps Towards Systemic Change. NAEA Museum Education. Medium. July 12, 2018.
Bryant, J., Mann, S., Eaton-Martinez, O. & Garcia, B. (2018). Museums and Race Report Card: Looking Back to Move Forward. American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, May 9, 2018.
Mann, S. & Cohen, D. M. (2017). Crying at the Museum: A Call for Responsible Emotional Design. Exhibition: The Journal of the National Association of Museum Exhibitions, 36 (1), 90-99.
Jennings, G., Mann, S., Cullen, J., Bryant, J., Kirchman, M. (2016). Institutional Self-Reflection in Museum Practice. Museums and Race Symposium, American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May 27, 2016.
Jennings, G., Mann, S., Bryant, J., Tisdale, R. (2015). Empathy in Mission & Practice: Why Should We Care? American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 29, 2015.
Mann, S., Moses, J., Fisher, M. (2013). Catching Our Breath: Assessing Digital Technologies for Meaningful Visitor Engagement. Exhibitionist: The Journal of the National Association of Museum Exhibitions, 32 (2), 15-19.
Norris, L., Cohen, D., & Mann, S. (2012). When Histories Horrify: Supporting Visitors’ Responses through Responsible Interpretation. Journal of the American Association of State and Local History.
Mann, S, Kuetemeyer, D., (2012). Panel Chair. Fostering Creative Collaboration within your Organization: A Hands-On Approach. American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 1, 2012.
Mann, S. & Cohen, D. M. (2011). When a Boxcar Isn’t a Boxcar: Designing for Human Rights Learning. Exhibitionist: The Journal of the National Association of Museum Exhibitions, 30 (2), 26-31.
Mann, S. (2011). Panel Chair. Walk the Walk: Using Learning Theory in the Exhibit Design Process. American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Houston, May 24, 2011.
Editorial Board: Exhibition Journal (2015-2019)
Two Franco-American nieces. Crazy, creative, and coming to a museum near you.